What is a sustainable idea?
Sustainability at Mohawk means...
A sustainable campus is one that is designed and used with the long-term future in mind, for both people and the planet.
More than 30,000 students attend Mohawk College every year – that’s the size of a large town. Together, our actions have a big impact on the sustainability of the college and our community. Mohawk seeks to provide programs and services which support the economic, social and environmental systems that benefit our community.
The SIF Ideabank campaign invites students to submit ideas that will help the college improve sustainability while supporting student engagement and improving student services.
Tell us your brilliant idea for how to make our campus community more sustainable. ​
Before submitting an idea decide which theme it falls under. ​
These themes can help you develop a sustainable idea. If your idea doesn’t fit into any of these, please use the “other” category.
Encouraging sustainability through educational or experiential learning is one of the best ways to teach students and staff about how their actions can be more sustainable. This can include ideas like virtual workshops, conferences, or speaker event that will help students attain a better understanding of sustainability topics.
Pollinators, like bees, birds and other insects are crucial because they help plants reproduce but . We rely on pollination for many of the foods we eat everyday like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Planting native species helps pollinators eat and gives them a habitat to live. Tell us your brilliant idea for supporting pollinators through campus activities or infrastructure.
Plastic pollution is damaging our ecosystems, leaching toxins into our groundwater, and filling our landfills and oceans. Single use plastics are the biggest culprit when it comes to plastic waste. Reducing our use of plastic and committing to reusable items can help alleviate some of the stress from our everyday consumption. Tell us your great idea for reducing plastic waste on campus.
Fuel emissions from cars, trucks, and freight transport are one of the leading contributors to climate change. Finding alternative ways to get around can reduce the amount of carbon from your commute. Active commuting such as biking or walking, as well as alternative options like carpooling or bussing are ways that students and staff can reduce pollution and their contribution to climate change. Tell us your idea for how we can support active and alternative transportation to/from campus.