Idea submitted by: Kristen McNutt - Architectural Technology
I believe that Mohawk College should invest in green bins to add to their garbage stations. I think that the composting of food scraps and waste is really important. I really started paying attention to this problem when I listened to CBC on the way to school one day and learned that 58% of the food produced in Canada is wasted, around 35.5 million tons. That number to me is really unacceptable. I think that even though Mohawk College probably can't do very much about the amount of food that is wasted by students, it can do something with this food other than throw it in the garbage. I think that providing green bins will encourage students to think about where they are throwing their food, and perhaps even remind them not to waste food. I also think that Mohawk could perhaps even create their own composting area, and utilize the food scraps within the gardens and green spaces at Mohawk. I personally think that if there was the option, if I had food scraps I would make a conscious effort to put that waste into a green bin versus just throwing it into the garbage without thought about the impact that has.
Promotes composting, encourages students to create less food waste, can potentially be used as compost on Mohawk College property.